Why choose Bovan's Auto Services
for auto repair in Cliffside Park, NJ
A Repair Shop You Can Trust, For Quality Auto Repairs at a Fair Price!
Family Owned and Operated since 2011
As a repair shop you can trust, Bovan's Auto Services delivers the highest quality work while providing exceptional,trustworthy, honest and reputable service. We are a full-service repair facility utilizing the latest diagnostic equipment and computerized repair manuals to ensure your specific vehicle is maintained and repaired to the latest factory specifications. Our ASE-certified auto repair specialists are fully trained quickly and effciently diagnose and repair vehicle issues. From oil changes to engine repairs and everything in between, our comprehensive services are designed to help you maintain a safe and reliable vehicle. Plus, we treat our customers like family with kindness, respect, courtesy while providing excellent customer service. In addition to taking care of customers need, we care for our community. Please explore our website to find out why motorists in Cliffside Park prefer to do business with us! Give us a call today, or schedule an appointment online today.