Quality Auto Repair You Can Trust
Welcome to Bovan's Auto Services

Serving Cliffside Park, NJ Since 2010

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Quality Auto Repair You Can Trust
Welcome to Bovan's Auto Services

Quality you Can Trust, at a Fair Price!

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Quality Auto Repair You Can Trust
Welcome to Bovan's Auto Services

Cliffside Park's Top Choice for Auto Repair

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Quality Auto Repair You Can Trust
Welcome to Bovan's Auto Services

Serving Cliffside Park, NJ since 2010

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Our Mission

To provide the highest quality auto repair services for all vehicle makes and models and to be trustworthy, affordable, skilled, and experienced professional specialists, using cutting-edge technology to diagnose your vehicle’s problems.

What Our Customers Say About Us

Alexia Williams

After purchasing my first car, there were certain things that needed to be fixed. Throughout the entire process Bovan’s Auto Services ensured that I was aware and understood what needed to be done. I also received an update on my phone, which allowed me to view the progress of the fixtures. The communication was phenomenal and services doesn’t get better! If you’re a beginner car owner, I highly recommend going there. You will gain so much knowledge and insight. 10/10!!

Barry Elbert

They were very courteous and professional. Their assessment of my car was thorough. I was well informed on things that needed to be addressed and things that were okay. I really appreciated the overall service. Very friendly as well. GREAT JOB 😃

Bob Martin

Good fast service.

Carla Hinton

Clean, courteous, efficient same day service. Able to pay online prior to pick up, great contactless service. They even cleaned the steering wheel and dashboard before letting me take my car. All good!

Carla Hinton

Clean, courteous, efficient same day service. Able to pay online prior to pick up, great contactless service. They even cleaned the steering wheel and dashboard before letting me take my car. All good!

    Bovan's Auto Services offers Premier Auto Repair Services

    In addition to auto repair services we offer:


      at Bovan's Auto Services

      Give Bovan's Auto Services a call, or schedule an appointment and experience it for yourself.


      No Credit - Good Credit - Bad Credit

      Our financing options give you the ability to buy today and pay over time. With deferred interest, no annual fees, and low payments.


      3 year/36,000 mile

      We back our work with a 3 Year/36,000 Mile mile warranty. Give us a call for details

    • We have you covered
    • Full digital inspections
    • Proven track record of customer satisfaction
    • In business since 2010
    • Expertise in a wide range of makes and models
    • Backed by 3 year/36,000 mile
    • ASE certified technicians
    • Personalized customer service